That's it. That is a little program for opening Marras and gets a string of antics.
The solution in these cases is to go to San Google, which sees everything, is everywhere and knows everything (minus the number lottery tomorrow, what a coincidence ...) and Case solved. As I consulted on 81000314 error corresponds to an error on the server you are assigned ... in short, that all things break down or someone gives you where it is and fuck the invention. me now I see the poor technician who called at 10 pm ... The quiet enjoying their dinner and the phone sounds. I hope and imagine that charges in relation to the responsible position he occupies.
Anyway Pilarín ... to wait a little. And lucky to touch her garment that deal with the problem.
This title, although it seems that of a midday movie Antena 3, is and tell the big event today. As you have seen on the front page of Google, now connects the Gra n Co ion lis r ado has tions or drug LHC near Geneva, the city of clocks. The LHC is a nice nickname that scientists have put it in English is called Large Hadron Collider . Another theory is because they say that Stephen Hawking likes L to pray C H hanante . This device buried at a depth ranging between 50-150 m deep, has already passed the cooling process (-271.25 ° C) and will soon be operational.
And you will say "what the hell is a hadron ?." Well you see, a hadron as its name suggests, is ... a little shit of these quantum paranoia arising from the subspace of the scientific mind of a moron. all ought to know that quantum physics is like watching Jimmy Hendrix playing a Fender Stratocaster black in a dark room does not exist.
Good. From what I've discovered about the topic, as there are so-called Standard Model particles have no mass and velocity will light, and others that have mass and are apparently slower. It is seen that the excesses of summer affects us all. One way to tell if a particle is mass or not is by Higgs mechanism, which is the scientist of the image you are eating a mint. It looks at once is a scientist by the board behind it filled with scribbles and Bow Ties math leads me to brackets and brackets.
Well, this man claimed that there was a field (the Higgs Field ) that determined the inertial mass (non-gravitational) of a particle, but it was provable, so his theory was rejected. As each field is associated particle, the obsession on the part of the scientific community so far has been to demonstrate that there is such a particle called the Higgs boson .
With the LHC supposedly produce more of these particles, and if all goes well will be a very important event in the scientific world ... but there are other risks. Apparently there is bad feelings about the issue of light that can produce black holes among other possible events such as the creation of exotic matter hipermasiva. But hey, nothing happens ... worse not going to go. Some experts say that if there is a black hole would not time to realize, and others who are more reassuring news say that this process occurs in both the Sun and cosmic rays when they reach the Earth and nothing happens here ... we'll see.
You never know who is going to find in life and something that has pleasantly surprised me is that despite the many strange characters and creatures from other planets that circulate internet, I have had the great fortune of running into the very best of the Net.
already know that one can not be trusted and internet men are men, women are also men and children are FBI agents ...
is why, especially to all women, my internet girls (the ones here and across the pond) that if not because of this artifact Faustian anecdotally called "computer", you had not known Today I want to give a piece of my dream-electric small space. My girls
kisses, Lourditas , Lupita and Cris to them ... TWO VIDEOS FRIKIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIS
artist called Sia Furler , is a neighbor of Crocodile Dundee and sings very well ... a style that is acid-jazz. The above picture belongs to his hit "Buttons" (Nisu type, because there has not yet arrived).
Today I was in the company to which I pay for computer maintenance service and I said, - Let's make a "download", the temporary files folder is quite full ...
say that the urinals are where one would fly more imagination ... Les Luthiers say it , and if what they say must be true because it was there that I began to spin a phrase painted on the wall:
Hala! And it is so hot dog! Saving the truth or falsity of the statement with which I'm not quite agree, any sentence in itself involves a nuanced meaning that normally do not often appreciate. But go beyond ... what if you read it an alien? (if I could understand, of course)
Analicémosla then.
For starters, the first thing that phrase means is that we are dealing with intelligent life ... well, not quite, but at least ability to communicate and breathe at the same time with such skill that the various sphincters not collapse in the process.
phrase is an exhortation, therefore, an order also is aimed at a group (either as receiver of the message, as a subject patient in the case of Seville), which implies that the subject issuer belongs of any society or organization. Being an order made by a subject, it may be considered that the subject is someone with a reputation within that society. A leader. And they constitute it a law is imposed.
The term "fuck to "implies sexual reproduction / mating / jincamiento / yuntamiento / planting turnips in the garden, where an individual performs asset while the liability fornication as important as doing things humming a happy tune, filing her nails or attempt to discover strange figures on the ceiling of gotelé.
Given that the aliens will not understand what a "Seville" (even at a humble cost you, do not say anythin to be extraplanetary), they can reach clarify that this is a type of differentiation by social status, regional status, creed, sex, drugs or R'nR ...
In summary.
I موسيقى and the Magífico, after analysis of a holoinformes exaustivo we find strange writings captured in situ by our spy probe in a strong vertical structure of a urinal in common use on a planet about 149,600,000 km from a star spectral type G2 in one arm of a spiral galaxy 50 million light years from our cluster ... (Ainge, breath-how hard is it to be a leader alien-), declare that we must implement a plan of cultural rapprochement with our neighbors, and according to their customs handed down by my colleague Earthman, making intercourse with the breed of Sevillanas. He said through the trumpet ... to fuck, to fuck, the world is going to end ... Lao Tse .
If we were to Kermit, more witty reporter of Sesame Street and ask us what a source, we would head the typical child with dash:
But of course, English vocabulary which is fertile and rich vegetable gardens and orchards and contains many meanings for that term. In the computer world we have two essential. Viz
- Sources (English fonts) fonts are used by the system. To install a font in Windows system that we've downloaded, just have to take the font file (*. ttf) to the folder C: \\ Windows \\ Fonts. Here is a sample of poor diet of quick brown fox:
- Power supply: is a device that goes inside the PC case and connected to the mains, distribution power to the various components of the computer (see the hard drive, motherboard, CD readers, etc ...)
Indeed, the protagonist of this morning in my work (and almost a week) has been the power supply.
A client asked us to take a look and will we put more RAM. We gave him a limpiaíto because the sink was clogged with dust to the bars and gave him to put him 3Gb budget (the board did not support more) and when you turn ... to hell, that was not going. I DICI: "Ea. We have already loaded something that does not work ordenadol."
Not really. It turns out that the sources sometimes overloaded static ... To solve the problem all we have to do is unplug the pc and give the power switch several times (tikitikitikitiki!). This downloads and runs luxury. ANOTHER HAPPY ENDING
Sometimes you feel like writing and others do not or rather not have anything to say, so it's best to be silent. In a society where information exceeds the assimilative capacity of the same, it is appropriate from time to time to sit and listen or read some others. These are a few days off, days where one can ride a bike, leave a little to the side of the car, see their friends face to face without a screen in front, no keyboards, no electricity ...
I always considered myself more reader than writer and a story which I heard this morning has given me back the urge to get down to work. This is a blog for a few people, for people who nobody knows, for news that are not on everyone's lips.
So I bring you this video clip below, which is a UK group called The Brand New Heavies formed by Simon Bartholomew (guitar), Jan Kincaid (drums) and Andrew Levy (bass) along with a large cohort of vocalists ( Siedah Garrett, Carleen Anderson and Nicole Russo ) which angelic warbling Cherubim and swarthy bodies which Samantha Fox neckline is All to say, is that with the latest addition to Nicole Russo to the group, have wins. Han ganaoooo but ... fabric. (What pedaso jackfruit, Dioh mine!)
While for the Children of Britain are a benchmark of acid jazz with the group Incognito ... and also sounding motherfuckers here could CLASFICADO within the category of groups NISU . That is, he does not know NISU mother fucking ...
Despite its aesthetic funkylón ritmillo sixties and that the video is 97 years. Indeed, leaving early in the video is the hombre-más-feliz-del-mundo/magnate-de-la-revista-Playboy, Hugh Hefner. (Ayyyy pájarooo ... you knew tuuu ... XD)
More videos of these long-haired doodles:
The Brand New Heavies - Surrender The Brand New Heavies - I do not know why I love you The Brand New Heavies - Boogie The Brand New Heavies - Spend Some Time
When I was little My sister Eva took me to see a Disney movie that is now considered cult Tron. At the time when it was released, most people were not sure how computers and say that was not well understood by the general public and was listed as a children's movie. Nothing is further from reality, and that could be included within the cyberpunk genre as Matrix , Neuromancer or The Lawnmower Man (among many).
One of the protagonists of the film is TRON, a program that controls access within a system created by Kevin Flynn , a brilliant programmer who steal ideas, you take to the street and sees obliged to mount a game room called The Home of Space Paranoids. The argument I look in the Wikipedia , now I'm kinda Flojet.
Within the virtual reality in which the film is developed, obsolete programs are sent by the evil Central Control Programme to games (Like when the Romans sent Christians to the lions) and one of those games is the subject of today because of its great gameplay, simplicity and complexity of the implementation of semi-intelligent programs.
Motorcycles of Tron (Tron Light Cycles):
The system is simple. We have a grid in which several players, a minimum of two. These players to start moving round in a straight line, leaving behind a trail in the form of wall and the goal is to get the opponent collides well against our wall or against his or that of any opponent.
If all players are human the game is of no difficulty in design. But how to implement a player-machine that is at the height of a human? When I considered the initial design, I tried a single player-machine in the grid with random movements. The result was desatroso. machine bumped against itself almost always.
So I changed something in the design. I did see that they hit the walls was ugly and that if it were to collide with a wall, take an alternate address. The thing then improved a lot and tried to fight the machine. The result was slightly better, but the machine was locked alone or did predetermined motion.
So I made another advance. The program that followed the opponent player (without crashing, that is) y. .. ... And there I stayed. Studies and work halted my progress. Still I was pretty pleased with my little program. Maybe someday regain Juankateca source code, but for now I leave for you to take a look.