Sometimes you feel like writing and others do not or rather not have anything to say, so it's best to be silent.
In a society where information exceeds the assimilative capacity of the same, it is appropriate from time to time to sit and listen or read some others.
These are a few days off, days where one can ride a bike, leave a little to the side of the car, see their friends face to face without a screen in front, no keyboards, no electricity ...

This is a blog for a few people, for people who nobody knows, for news that are not on everyone's lips.
So I bring you this video clip below, which is a UK group called The Brand New Heavies formed by Simon Bartholomew (guitar), Jan Kincaid (drums) and Andrew Levy (bass) along with a large cohort of vocalists ( Siedah Garrett, Carleen Anderson and Nicole Russo

neckline is
All to say, is that with the latest addition to Nicole Russo to the group, have wins. Han ganaoooo but ... fabric.
(What pedaso jackfruit, Dioh mine!)
While for the Children of Britain are a benchmark of acid jazz with the group Incognito ... and also sounding motherfuckers here could CLASFICADO within the category of groups NISU . That is, he does not know NISU mother fucking ...
Despite its aesthetic funkylón ritmillo sixties and that the video is 97 years.
Indeed, leaving early in the video is the hombre-más-feliz-del-mundo/magnate-de-la-revista-Playboy, Hugh Hefner. (Ayyyy pájarooo ... you knew tuuu ... XD)
More videos of these long-haired doodles:
The Brand New Heavies - Surrender
The Brand New Heavies - I do not know why I love you
The Brand New Heavies - Boogie
The Brand New Heavies - Spend Some Time
13/07/2008 4:11
The Brand New Heavies - I do not know why I love you
The Brand New Heavies - Boogie
The Brand New Heavies - Spend Some Time
13/07/2008 4:11