Let's give some joy to the body Macarena, which is the best therapy (I say no? That I'm not going to be the Pantoja singing "That ship sailing)
wanted to hang this picture some time ago, but hey, you know ... between one thing and another ... besides I had to attend symposia where I had to give lectures in favor of condom use sinful, save kittens up in a tree, rescue infants from burning buildings, to satisfy the sexual needs of women very attractive and burning and such ... Anyway, the usual.
This week was held the day of Down syndrome (trisomy 21 and that) and turns out mr. Ibañez is doing a signing by Spain Tourné collecting specimens and paste the benefits of their sales to associations of children with this syndrome so fucked.
I learned that land would come to Seville and was going to do a petition in Camas Correquetefour (a town near Seville). Swift and fast I went with some friends and my nephew to see the man I learned to read in my younger days ... Therefore I came second in the queue.
Anyway, that's duel bald ... Francisco would win because but mine is smooth and shiny, his is more veteran and keeps things cool inside.
From my earliest childhood I was going to Gypsies (the raster) and bought some comics to the weight of durum and I read the classics of Spiderman, Peter Leak and Otilio, 13 Rue of the Barnacle, Manolón truck driver, Carpanta, Petra , Zipi and Zape, Vazquez, Carpet Veto, Gu, Professor tragacanth and kind of horror, Gilda's sisters, Anacleto and more ... to the journals of my sisters (Lily) who were a mariconada, but I still read them.
Occasionally you hear the gentle voice of my mother saying, "Boy give me one of those old comics pa 'put them on the floor, to be painted "
To which I with all the affection with which he can respond to a mother say," Mom ... I'll give you a landmark 'asynchronous' big. Use the newspaper Montequinto, shosho ... "I
stirred uneasily in the sheets thinking" What I gave him to Ibanez? because it is not plan to go with empty hands. "
front Before my encounter with genius, I read an interview , which said that Ibanez does not like computers, which uses old-style brushes and his passions are his grandchildren, who loves handmade things ...
My friends told me "Give a canutitos Mortadelo with these "and I thought pa 'what ... if he can do a better Mortadelo I sleep. Best gift you something I do well, yes, for him and his grandchildren.
In Image 1 and 2 can see a little gift I asked Francisco.
The 3 is entitled "A incunable!" which is the phrase that released Mortadelo Francisco when he saw my 25 year anniversary on the table.
The truth is that much ilu him and gave him a total set of Bubble Bobble most other Pac-Man for a fridge and a Space Invaders keychains from shining in the darkness, material provided by Hamalorios (estate proud buck).
And then I left which boats hitting schoolgirl ovarian seething after watching the Backstreet Boys ... ains: D
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great day Photos
Francisco Ibañez Buenafuente
Francisco Another interview Ibañez
And more about Ibanez ... it is not missing
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