Both like skiing skating worked in a similar way. Require strength, endurance, speed and flexibility as well as coordination and balance.
training of either cause a synergy between them that helps to improve practice.
These improvements can be on physical training, in the event that the duration and intensity or the muscles involved in the exercise are similar or improvements in which the movements and sensations are similar to those we have when we travel.
versatile techniques to try include:
-parallelism of the legs.
"The work of flexion-extension (movement of 'cycling') of the legs.
-The gradual movement.
"The range of motion.
"The work of flexion angle of ankle and knee. Stability
torso and arms:
- We must ensure that the torso does not rotate or from over-rotate during the curve and remain stable at all times, leaving the legs to work freely.
-arms should be stable and well positioned, forward and semiflexed. Exercises
overtaking hip curve or early years of gradual and precision of movement.
coach always easy to difficult and slow to fast.
work first on a flat site with a slope below.
The possibilities are endless. Skiing and skating provides a very similar feelings.
So you know ... inline skating in summer and winter skiing ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡
More videos on similarity:
http://www.youtube.com/watch? v = Avn1FJRckQc
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