Practice Sport is surrounded by elements and positive consequences that make it one of the best-up to the formation of adolescents and youth. It also provides health benefits.
The in-line skating, allows us to awaken a love easy to do in moments of leisure.
is a fun social relationship develops, promotes attitudes and behaviors of fellowship, cooperation, spirit of excellence, promotes a positive attitude from the standpoint of health, prevents non-sporting habits such as alcohol and drugs, violent behavior ...
development is instructed balance in different positions body, relationships and the general static and dynamic coordination, space planning and sensory-motor coordination, skating forward and backward in a straight line without falling off, braking, turning in both directions, losing fear and embarrassment of falling, falls to practice in a controlled manner to skate with the body straight and head up without looking at the feet, balancing on one foot, uphill and downhill ...
Taught with theoretical explanations short, simple, easy demonstrations, with progressive exercises tailored to the abilities and skills of each group and each student, with games interspersed and most important exercises with enthusiasm.
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