health specialists welcome the new trend because they claim that it is a very healthy practice.
skating can burn a lot of calories. At a moderate speed for thirty minutes, the body burns 285 calories on average. Exercise always does good, not only by the energy expenditure involved to move. Skating
also brings psychological benefits. When a person puts his muscles in action, then releases endorphins and feel better. Such a release of endorphins pseudoadictiva is pleasant and it appears the motivation to start exercising again. It's like an addiction to feel good.
Skate is ideal because in addition to improving health, improves physical appearance, toning muscles too much. It involves substantial work in adductors, buttocks, thighs and tailbone.
also helps increase strength and cardiovascular activity because the heart gets beating 148 times per minute. In this sense, tests that measure aerobic activity show that skating is better than riding a bicycle, although not as effective as jogging. But neither is it a matter of being all day shooting. The ideal is to make a couple of hours. And always considering that the steps must first be warming, skating, stretching and relaxation. Today
prioritize health and a balanced life over the appearance. In this balance, hydration is critical. The first five minutes of exercise, the body absorbs too much fluid.
More information: SKATE AND NUTRITION
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