Skating, a sport on the rise. Today many millions of people in the world, participate in this exercise. Injuries can occur as fractures or dislocations, more serious head.
injuries need not only a correct diagnosis and appropriate treatment but also prevention contribute to a sense of well being and improved quality of life derived from the sport.
Each skater must analyze its limitations before deciding on a training scheme. The intensity and the load must be individually tailored depending on the technical and physical condition of each. Should be introduced gradually.
In general, the key thing to remember is that injuries are preventable if you follow the safety tips. Injury prevention in sport depends on a number of factors, including:
-Proper physical preparation.
-Use of proper equipment
-Compliance with rules or standards of the sport played. Skip
-health checks.
-Wear proper nutrition and hydration.
"It is also very important to give the necessary rest to those parts of the body being overloaded with physical exertion. The
prevention regulations of skating in particular are:
• Learn the basic skills and how to stop properly, before venturing into traffic.
• Wear a helmet, wrist guards, knee and elbow. • Place you always
protective equipment before you put your skates.
• Perform warm-up exercises before and after skating.
• Obey traffic signals, stay on the right side of the road and not on the road.
• The straps of the shoes should always fit properly.
• Do not buy shoes that put too much pressure on any area of \u200b\u200byour foot, the pressure can cause blistering.
• Choose the size of your skates at the end of the day when your feet are largest.
• When selecting the size of the shoe, use the same type of sock that will be taken to skating.
• Make sure the heel does not move up and down in the beginning and during the skating.
More information http://patinar-por-barcelona.blogspot.com/2008/06/prevenir-lesiones-y-patinar.html