We are aware the positive effects of regular exercise in preventing the loss of fitness.
Between 20 and 30 years, the physical condition of a person who does not exercise, regular way, reaches its highest value. If that person continues to maintain a sedentary lifestyle, physical condition begins to deteriorate gradually and this deterioration will encourage the emergence of health problems or quality of life in a more or less distant future.
The human body is composed, in addition to water, for, muscle, fat and bone. It is noted that between 20 and 30 years of age, have the values higher number of muscle fibers and muscle thickness. From age 30 there is a decrease in the number of muscle fibers and the thickness and muscle mass. This decline may be slight, but significant, between 30 and 50 years. However, after 50 years, the decline is much steeper.
The most important consequence is that the loss of muscle mass, which is observed between 20 and 50 years, is accompanied by a decrease in muscle strength. This loss is due to lose some muscle fibers that receive nerve stimulation and atrophy. This atrophy of the muscles causes the thickness decreases. Much of the decrease in muscle size is observed between 20 and 50 years of age can be avoided by exercise of power so frequently.
For over 55 years, the percentage of fat continues to increase, although total body weight tends to decrease because the body loses muscle and water. The most important consequence is that this increase in body fat will favor the emergence of diseases linked to inactivity and obesity, such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Much of the increase in body fat, you can avoid doing physical exercise so common.
The bones are an important component of the body because they support the weight of gravity help move, protect the organs and serve as a pantry that stores calcium and phosphorus, much needed minerals for the body. Contrary to what you may think, the bone is not a static component, but is a dynamic component that is continually subjected to a process of destruction and repair throughout life. If the repair is greater than the destruction, bone gain. If the destruction is greater than the repair, you will lose bone. Physical activity can influence bone formation. Exercise stimulates new bone formation. The type of exercise that seems to have more influence on the formation of bone mass is the weight using the body as it could be skating. bone loss can be avoided by exercising common mode .
MORAL - Skating gives you satisfaction, sense of freedom and keeps your body in shape.
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