Logatec Greetings Alenka
In our town we have at the end of otonyo lot of snow, about 70 centimeters. It is normal for the december pricipio much snow. In winter, yes, but in otonyo ...
The snow hit Europe, and especially the UK, where for 17 years did not snow this time of year.
transport systems of large cities suffer the rigors of the cold wave that has caused widespread delays on the railways, bus systems, flight national and international courts and roads and highways.
When winter comes and the first snowfall, a lot of people come to Montanya for winter sports and our people are conosido, if there is snow, as a more popular, closeness to the capital Ljubljana. (only 25 km motorway)
Sports more convenient in our town is winter skiing and all from the ninya to the elderly, as we practice.
and finally I present some photos of the day, that Sunday in December 2010
Until next time
and finally the cat. No, if you like snow or not.
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