Autumn came
In October the leaves begin to fall from the trees ... In the autumn, the leaves on the trees change color and become yellowish green until they dry and fall helped by wind blowing harder and the temperature starts to be a little cold.
The beauty of autumn is particularly beautiful in the woods
and I'm going to share this wonderful photos of my trip around with you
As we know, we are in a of the special seasons of the year, especially when it refers to the variety of colors, autumn, is able to display every day.
Hasbergen ruined castle
a secondary road
Orange, yellow and brown are some of the colors that today we can observe in nature, an almost magical it mingles with the cold and the first autumn rains.
Rakov On the way Škocjan
natural bridge in Rakov Škocijan
Cerknica Lake is a very interesting natural phenomenon. It is located near the city of Cerknica. The water level is not permanent, since the lake is depleted. The total area amounts to nearly 40 km2. The water level is highest during the spring when snowmelt. During the summer the lake is depleted, but in autumn the water rises again. Around the lake home of many species of fauna and flora endemic
Greetings from Slovenia
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