Sometimes certain sports serve as a main plot to develop stories. Other times, the scenes are used as a pretext for the plot of the argument.
Regarding the didactic theme, moving images of sport and its great documentary value serve as a resource for analyzing development of sports. After the advent of television and especially video, filming the sport due to a role not only documentary but also scientific, especially in those sports in which teaching and learning of technical gestures are of great difficulty. Thus Paul
Merida said, "The film industry has been in sport a solid argument for the films varied"
Some references related to the theme of skating are .... Charles Chaplin
skates had used some of his movies, seducing a sweet woman.
In Rollerball no velocity, blood, money, violence and aggression. The original is 1975 and the 2002 remake.
Roller Boogie Wonderland is a movie that takes place on a disc competition skates, called Roller Boogie, in which Terry and Bobby respectively compete and the winners of the competition.
Another reference is the pairing of Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers in "Shall We Dance" A film from 1936.
The film "Ninja Thunderbolt" is angry about ninjas, skating, chasing a Mitsuoka Bubu, a 50cc Honda car.
Lethal Ninja 1993, is the rescue of an American wife kidnapped by a Nazi ninja.
The Roller Skate Craze of 1907, really old.
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