The proximo15 May, in Sant Cugat, there will be the eleventh edition of the tournament Joan Petit-Nens with cancer.
will be organized by the club Club Sant Cugat Patí Hoquei collaboration with Roller Sant Cugat and the City. With the money raised will buy a team of cardio-vascular assessment for children with cancer.
Sant Cugat works to instill the values \u200b\u200bof hope through the sport. We must learn to live with this disease because it is part of human reality and fight to overcome it.
The party should consist of the tournament itself, but activities such as lectures and symposia, an exhibition of photographs and a popular patina that is what more we can collaborate.
The patina will start at 10.30, through the streets of Sant Cugat and lasted about two hours. Thank serious confirm attendance before 20 hours on 14 May in santcugatpatina@gmail.com . You can also inscribe from 9.30 to 10.30 at the start (Parc Ramon Barnils) . The contribution for participating in voluntary activity is 5 euros. Participants will be given a T-shirt "Fundació Joan Petit-amb Nens cancer."
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