Shape your waist. Not only the waist. If you are consistent you will notice as you tone your legs and give shape your glutes and abs. This yields the easiest way to other sports such as running. With the added advantage that your joints do not suffer.
Strengthen your defenses. strengthens the heart and that, coupled with activating blood circulation, makes nutrients more easily reach the cells, making them stronger against viruses and bacteria.
balance and coordination. For our sense of balance, skating is a real challenge. With practice you learn to control your body and coordinate. But as at first falls are almost inevitable, do not forget to use protective equipment: helmet, wrist guards, elbow pads and knee pads that will preserve you from impact, preventing injury.
Control your weight. is a good ally to burn calories. For example, if you skate 30 minutes at a moderate pace stable, achieve to get rid of 285 calories. And if several rhythm, skating half an hour but at intervals of one minute moderate pace, calorie consumption rises to the 450.
Journal: In form, Silvia Fernandez.
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