After ten Anyos is time to change the car

The photo shows the moment when I got the key
Registration indicating the car. Ljubljana Slovenia Logatec and shield, with a combination of letters and this serves to indetificarlo numeros.Todo
And finally some words of our beloved car that we had for over a hundred problema.El Anyos with no car has never been broken in these Anyos, so I feel a little sad leave as a friend.
Auris hybrid has the same dimensions as with other engines, 4.24 meters, but has a lower cargo volume: 279 liters. This loss of cargo volume is that the Auris is hybrid model that has not been manufactured exclusively for hybrid, as if it is the Toyota Prius. It has been adapted and this is reflected in the placement of the battery of the hybrid system in the rear of the car, causing him to lose luggage capacity.
The car battery that is not a lithium modern mammals (LiFePo4) but is that NiMH
I have experience with the batteries for my electric bike I'm going to transform the hybrid drive (HEV-Hybrid Electric vechicle)) to PHEV Plug-in Hybrid vechicles) A \u200b\u200bvehicle enchufable.La electric hybrid idea is anyadir in the trunk of LiFePo4 battery, 4000 Wh power, which is sufficient for about 30 km trip just for electric to speed no more than 60 km / h. The bike in the photo is the battery Power 240 Wh.

The plug-in hybrid vehicle shares the characteristics of a traditional electric hybrid vehicle and electric vehicle because it is equipped with an internal combustion engine (petrol) and electric motor together with a package batteries can be recharged by plugging the vehicle power supply system.
The Hybrid Car Plug is an important step forward in urban mobility, offering drivers all the advantages of an electric vehicle, without the hassle, in terms of autonomy or dependence on a charging infrastructure, which they present.
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