are very light, weighing only 1.2 kg are easy to carry, can be kept folded in his bag. They are easy to make, no need to remove their shoes, so you gain in convenience and time and can wear quickly. They are easy to use, its simplicity, stability and maneuverability allow short trips in a short time. Its use does not require great skill and by design tends to stability. Allow easy exercise. They adapt to any type of footwear and height or width. The low center of gravity making it easy even for those who have not skated before. Polyurethane wheels give a smooth and safe sliding even on uneven terrain.
can block the rotation of the front and rear nodes can learn easily. The usual way is to use node locked rear turning in a smooth movement of the feet. You can unlock the front and rear nodes that get a major shift with slight movements.
Singularskate is the perfect answer for those who like the traditional skating, sport or just do a normal way they want to shorten. More information
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