Compulsory Seatbelt Intercity travel is law April 18, 2011 The toll of Lo Prado was chosen by the Minister of Transport and Telecommunications, Pedro Pablo Errazuriz, to begin to raise awareness among Chileans on safety belt use within days of Easter holiday , when thousands of people expected to move from one place to another.
Secretary of State conducted an educational campaign on the ground, where he personally delivered recommendations on the importance of safety belt to prevent the consequences of traffic accidents.
"We are interested in the lives of the people above all things. And seat belts saves lives, it is checked. So I appeal to the conscience of all people: it is not monitoring more or less monitor, life can not be subject to audit, is the responsibility of each of us to use safety belts and avoid a tragedy, " said the Minister Pedro Pablo Errazuriz.
From today, and after its publication in the Official Journal, it is law the mandatory use of seat belts in intercity buses.
This implies that people have to use the device in all intercity buses have it. Otherwise they could face fines ranging from 1 to 1.5 UTM UTM.
addition, all intercity buses as a production from 2008 must have seat belts mandatory.
Mindful that the H. Congress has approved the following bill, which started in motion of Deputies Jorge Burgos Varela, Alejandro García-Huidobro Sanfuentes, Javier Hernández Hernández and former Deputies Gonzalo Uriarte Herrera, Rodrigo Alvarez Zenteno and Marcelo Forni
Lobos Project Law:
"Sole Article .- To amend the decree with force of Law No. 1, 2009, the Ministries of Transport and Telecommunications and Justice, which sets the consolidated, coordinated and systematized text of Law No. 18,290 , Traffic, in the following sense:
a) Incorpóranse in Article 75 The following final paragraph: "The same obligations under the preceding paragraph shall apply to minibuses whose year of manufacture 2012 onwards.
buses providing public transport services or private intercity passenger shall be equipped with seat belts in all seats. Their use will be mandatory for the passenger, unless the item does not work, in which case the violation of this obligation is attributable to the vehicle owner. This obligation shall apply to the buses that provide transport services intercity passenger groups whose year of manufacture 2008 onwards. In Private shuttle buses intercity passenger these requirements shall apply to vehicles whose year of manufacture is 2012 or later. Notwithstanding the foregoing, your use will be mandatory in all vehicles with seat belts, regardless of their year of manufacture, the driver may request a decrease in passenger who refuses to use, in addition to the fine sets out the passenger. ". b) Amend Article 200 as follows:
i) to replace, at number 40, the comma (,) and the conjunction" and "that follows, by a semicolon (;).
ii) sandwiched the following number 41, again, from the current to be number 42:
41 .- Violation of the provisions in the final paragraph of Article 75, and". ". And because I have been pleased to approve and sanction and therefore enacted and take effect as a law of the Republic.
Santiago, April 6, 2011 .- Sebastian Pinera Echenique, President of the Republic .- Pedro Pablo Errazuriz Dominguez, Minister of Transport and Telecommunications .- Felipe Bulnes Serrano Minister of Justice.
Transcribed for information .- Yours, Effa Alejandra Dominguez, Assistant Secretary for Transport (S).
LAW NO. 20,484
ENDORSES THE NON-PAYMENT OF THE FEE IN THE PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION OF PASSENGERS H. Bearing in mind that Congress has given its approval to the next;
"Article 1 - The following amendments to Article 200 of Law No. 18,290, Transit, the text of the consolidated, coordinated and systematized text was set by Decree with force of Law No. 1 of 2009, the Ministry of Transport and Telecommunications:
a) At number 39 substituted for a comma (,) and the conjunctive "and" which follows, by a semicolon ( ;);
b) In the number 40 replaces the full stop (.) by a comma (,) followed by the conjunction "and" and
c) Add the following number 41:
"41. Do not pay the fee on vehicles transportation.. "
Article 2 .- Add the following paragraph nine, in Article 22 of Law No. 18,287:
"Offenders who are convicted for not paying the fare on public transport of passengers will be listed in a" Sub Record Offenders Passenger "to be created in the Register of Traffic Fines not paid" under Article 24 of this law. The Secretary Court every two months, individualized punished offenders who have not paid the fines imposed and communicated, for entry, the Civil Registry and Identification Service. The procedure for entry and removal of offenders punished shall be regulated by the Minister of Transport and Communications together with the Minister of Justice. The entry is deleted, by operation of law only after three years from its effective entry in the Register Sub or earlier, if the offender pays the fine total infraction and required fees applied .".". And because I have been pleased to approve and sanction; therefore enacted and take effect as a law of the Republic.
Santiago, December 28, 2010 .- Sebastian Pinera Echenique, President of the Republic .- Felipe Morande Lavin, Minister of Transport and Telecommunications .- Felipe Bulnes Serrano, Minister of Justice.
Transcribed for your knowledge .- Sincerely, Gloria de los Angeles Hutt Hesse, Assistant Secretary of Transportation.